October Birthday Buddies:
10/1: Dave Gayln
10/1: George "Hannibal Smith" Pepard
10/6: Me
10/6: George "I helped invent electricity" Westinghouse
10/10: Carla Birnbaum (Happy 30th!)
10/10: Bret Favreeeeeeeeeeeeeee (the extra e's are for E)
10/11: Grandma Ellie
10/11: Lloyd Goldberg
10/11: Luke "Is My Hair Straight? better yet am I?" Perry
10/12: Stacey Chandler
10/12: Marion "I was on the Clear" Jones
10/30: Jenna Boig (her real bday is the 31st but I want her to feel a bit younger)
10/30: John "I wasn't good enough to be the 1st President" Adams
There you go, that's the list.
some people you forgot:
Scott Schoeneweis 10/2
El Duque 10/11
Pedro Martinez 10/25
Anderson Hernandez 10/30
YES I am obsessed even thought they could not give themselves a birthday presetn this year.
Schoenweis....now there's a great reliever!
Nice try - but Jenna's birthday is on the 31st (Halloween) - not the 30th! :-)
You share a birthday with Elizabeth Shue! It was her boobs (in Cocktail) that made me gay!
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