Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP You Funny MotherF***er!

It’s hard to really come to terms with the losses the television/entertainment/media world has suffered over the last few weeks with the passing of Tim Russert and now George Carlin. The “pain” is nothing however when compared with the loss of American service members or other innocent bystanders around the world but it is still something that is measurable.

Most people (even my parents) think that Carlin was not only an outstanding comedian but also a wonderfully talented social critic. I had the opportunity to see him perform here in DC last year. I left the show a little disappointed because he was doing new material, much of it still cued off of notes he brought out with him. In addition the theater was very warm but Carlin’s personality still shone brightly through, even up in the nosebleed seats.

He will be missed by many and hopefully some of the things he’s taught us to critically think about, such as the bullsh!t that we hear everyday from religion, government, and the media, will take root in our minds and we begin to question and demand change.

I don’t think a simple video or two would be a proper tribute but it’s what I can offer so here you go:

One of George Carlin's HBO Specials

George Carlin's first appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

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