First it was AIG, then the government sent money to help GM, now it’s time for “Bailouts Gone Wild” as everybody’s favorite low-life, Joe Francis and Hustler Magazine’s Larry Flynt are knocking on Congress’ door seeking money for a “Porn Bailout.” You can read more about all the details here, but what I’m really interested in, is will Congress go for this?
Well why the hell not? Forget the banking and auto industries, if there’s one place that we’re loosing American jobs (many in Southern California) to overseas competition is the PORN industry. Have you noticed how many “models” are now from Europe and Asia? It seems every time I log into HotHornyAmericanBabes.com* more and more of Eastern Europe’s slutiest looking women are being sent to my inbox with captions like “Hi, I’m Amber from Iowa” or “Hey There Sailor, this is Katie from Oregon”. This has to stop! No not the delivery of naked women to my inbox, are you crazy!
What has to stop is the loss of the American Porn Industry. Flynt brought us the “dirty” side of naked women and to this day we still love it. Francis showed us that every city has a huge segment of the population that will show their boobs if you give her a few shots of tequila and a free T-shirt. These are the people and the jobs that we need to save. Without a functioning porn industry where will the bulk of the male (and some female) American workforce go to blow off steam when they come home after a hard day at work (or looking for work)? They’re not going to the bank and they’re not going to buy a car...they’re going to grab their ECHM and double click for porn, porn, porn!
Anybody reading this remember Wuv’s Hamburgers? I thought of this today and I’m not sure why. Wuv’s was a fast food chain based out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL in the late 1970’s and went bankrupt in 1981. However, I think some of the stores stayed open independently for a few years later. I remember one of these on Route 17 in Ramsey, NJ when I was a young boy. They had some good food as I remember.
*Not actually sure this is a real website. Bloggerman loves his wife and never looks at Porn. He does however occasionally look at his dog lying in bed.
Funny you should mention Wuv's.
I was just reading an article in the Palm Beach Post about new chains making pricier hamburgers- not just a price increase but quality burgers and I thought of Wuv's. There was one in West Palm in the late 70's that advertised fresh ground beef and french fries cut as you ordered them- with the skins on. I posted a msg to the article guessing that the new chain would be short lived as quality food is not what Americans are after- they want quantity.
I remember Wuv's as I recall the sign was purple. And they were here locally in '73 (DeLand Fla.)My Sr. high school girlfriend would feed me a Wuv's burger as we lived the life of teenagers with no real worries. The building still stands and as I ride by it does activate fond memories. Jayne, if luck happens to bring you past this page, You cross my mind and heart often. Dave.
I frequented Wuv's near UF in Gainesville in the late 70's. I ate at 5 Guys for the first time yesterday, and the skin-on fries they serve there instantly made me think of Wuv's. I recall the shakes were really nice, too.
WUV's founded by Jack Penrod
Now Jack is NIKKI BEACH around the world
I know Wuv's well. They had one in Centereach Long Island NY, just off rt 25 in 1976.
My sister worked their a short time,
the big shots would bring potential investors there in a Rolls Royce, dark brown with tan trim, AMPHORA was on the personal plates.
The manager there was a slime ball,
he would hit on the counter girls all the time and do inappropriate touch. He tried that with my sister, told her if she did not give it up she was fired.
He learned fast that she was a black belt and put him in the hospital to mend broken bones.
I use to work at the Wuv's in Ft. Myers Fl, no one has mentioned the great fried chicken (and center breast) and fantastic biscuits, as well as the hamburgers and skin on french fries, we also did breakfast with the biscuits. and then we would cut the biscuits in half and put strawberries and whipped cream inside and out for the best strawberry short cake in the world ! and don't for get the big hippie flowers and hippie balloon letters spelling Wuv's, what a great trip down memory lane!
Hi Where was the Wuvs in Fort Myers? We can't remember....thanks
Hi Where was the Wuvs in Fort Myers? We can't remember....thanks
1991 worked at wuvs hamburgees in Albuquerque, NM
U worked at the one in manasquan nj, I loved the food, and everything was fresh.
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