Sunday, July 29, 2007

Baby Daddy Party

Following my thoughts on the Urinal Advertising I thought I talk briefly about the Baby Daddy Party for Jason (MBB was not present). After a quick hoof across town to eat dinner and meet up with everybody we went over to the Simpsons' Movie (don't want to ruin it for anybody...just GO see it...."BEST EPISODE EVER!") on opening night. But before we left we had to surprise Jason with his attire for the rest of the evening.

Once he fit the Homer mask over is Ken Griffy on nerve tonic sized head we strolled down to the theater stopping every few feet so people could take pictures with him.

My only major complaint about the theater was that the line to pick up my tickets at the Fandango ticket kiosk was twice as long as trying to buy the tickets at the line in the theater. Wait, was that my only complaint? I usually have so much more....humm...must have been a really good movie!

I won't go into the rest of the evening but I do want to thank the nice young lady that we met later that night for laughing when I asked her for change in nickels for the dollar bill I had.

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