Friday, May 15, 2009

Pizza and Donuts Oh My

Put on your party hats kids! It’s time to get down and boogie-oogie-oggie as we celebrate National Pizza Party Day 2009.

Yep just when you thought that Big Wind Day (I just can’t get enough of this one) was the stupidest of all the “holidays”, we bring you NPPD 2009. They have all sorts of ways to celebrate, from creating your own dessert pizza, to wee english muffin pizzas and even the requisite contests for free pizza parties (I’ve never eaten at “Garlic Jims” and I hesitate to even want to try the “gourmet pizza”). Matthew Baldwin over at the Morning News has some interesting thoughts on how we can make NPPD into an official holiday (and solve the problem of funding presidential campaigns with tax dollars).

I also wanted to thank Steve for posting this nugget to The Facebook. He points to a site that may become one of my new favorites: This Is Why You’re Fat. Besides wallowing in my own crapulence (thanks Monte Burns!), these donut fries look damn good. I have to say it would be much easier to eat 6 servings of these on the race course then the 6 Original Glazed I put down. Now the question comes where to get them? Hummm... Dunkin? No. Krispy Kreme? No. Yummy Donuts and Ice Cream? No (but one of the best names for a store ever!).

Nope for these fried slivers of well fried beauty you’ll have to trek out to San Jose, California (Campbell to be specific) to our friends out at Psycho Donuts. I haven’t tried any of their donut varieties but OMG...I am about to start licking my screen. Check out these beauties (and the donuts too!) over at their site. That Chocolate Marble one blows my mind!! They just opened earlier this year so somebody out on the west coast has to go over there and tell me how good they look (and taste)! There are bonus points for somebody shipping me a dozen FedEx next day air! BTW in case you can’t get looks like they also have their own blog. Not as cool as this one but theirs is all about donuts which gives it a few extra bonus points (as this one is only sometimes about donuts)

Oh and thanks to Rick Klau over at Blogger for a great presentation today. We do love the folks over there at Blogger/Google for giving us this FREE platform from which to rant upon everything from Donuts to Dingle-berries! Speaking of which, Rick, you live out near Psycho Donuts...can you ship a dozen back here to DC?

See everybody on Monday with a full wrap up of my trip to....DELAWARE!

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