Monday, March 19, 2012

Every Good Hero Should Have One

The more inspiration television I watch I realize that I could totally do the things they are doing. Climb a 5-story rock wall, done. Use a bobcat to dig up a house foundation and reinforced the waterproofing, done. I really think I can't be stopped as long as my theme music is kicking behind me.

Yeah you heard me! Jack Spade once said of theme music, "Every good hero Should have them." If there is a better lesson in a Keenen Ivory Wayans movie, well I must have missed it.

About the only thing my theme music can't get me through was finishing the Rock N Roll USA National Marathon. If the name wasn't long enough to sock the wind out of you, surely the course was for me.

Wait, you run these all the time, why didn't you finish?

OK, so I did finish, I just didn't finish the distance I set out to tackle. I do have a medal on my wall for a half marathon, but that means I left 13.1 miles out on the course. Truth be told, I don't think my theme music (if I actually listened to music on the course) could have drowned out the sound of my stomach.

On the bright side, I did learn a valuable lesson: I can run a half marathon while curating a stomach virus. At least that's what I'm diagnosing it as.

This was the 23rd time I toed the starting line of a marathon. Only once before had I not been able to finish. New York in 2005 was awful, because I was so hyped up to be back from knee surgery and I let my head trip me up. I could have kept going in that race even if I had to walk a few miles. This race was different. Because of my "condition" I felt dehydration the entire way, and the carb loading from the night for was the taste sensation for most of the race. I knew I should have gone lighter on the garlic!

From the second I started running, my stomach was telling me to stop. As I kept going, it kept getting louder and louder. Just after the 12 mile mark came the split. I chose the half course since at least that way I would be back at my car.

Well back to the drawing board. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and Boise is in a little more than two months. I'm going out there and not coming back without a full marathon medal around my neck.

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